Chiptunes = WIN Volume 8 is out!
My track Abya Yala was selected as part of the Chiptunes = WIN vol. 8 compilation!
Glad to be part of this release together with incredibly talented artists of the international chiptune scene.
You can download it (name your price from $0) at Bandcamp.
New argentine C64 game

I'm glad to announce that I took part in the creation of the music for the new argentine text adventure Elige tu propio gauchoide (Choose your own gaucho robot). This is a new game for Commodore 64 with PETSCII graphics, SID music and a very interesting script. You'll be able to get the first copies really soon!
New album POP SIDS
I'm pleased to introduce my new album POP SIDS!
It's a selection of original compositions I presented at demoparty compos and as soundtracks for demos and intros.
I selected those tunes that have a happy 'pop' vibe so you can cheer up listening to my melodies!
This has been recorded from an original real Commodore 64 with 8580 SID chip.
If you want to support me as an artist please feel free to buy this album at bandcamp using this link.
You can also listen to it for free on Youtube Music or spotify and other services.
Interview at Fox Sports
I was interviewed for a show about gaming called Mundo G at Fox Sports Argentina. We talked about 8-bit music, chiptune and retrocomputers (in spanish).
Performance at FLISOL
On april 27 I took part in a performance by PVM at FliSOL conference at a cultural center in the city of Buenos Aires, next to em Arlek created visuals, the whole show was done 100% using Commodore 64.
The Telesounds (soundtrack)
This is a longer more complex version of the soundtrack for the 8kb intro Space Poo by PVM presented at Revision 2019. It's created with 8klang and Renoise.
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